Stephen Dale Edwards

Stephen Dale Edwards

  • Artist’s Statement

    Often my paintings start with an idea that is spontaneously drawn with chalk on and old painting that I no longer love. Like 16th century graffiti, next to cave paintings 20,000 years old in a cave in France, or an old ship with peeling paint in Viet Nam that reveals its under layers of history. That is the real beauty to me, to find the random ageing process on objects that enhance the original work. It may take years to surface but I know when it reveals itself. When I think a painting is almost finished, I bring it into a special viewing area in our home to live with it and study it. Sometimes it stays 10 just minutes and returns to the easel. My wife of 50 years, Sally, has a great perspective. With a Masters of Art herself, she understands what I am trying to capture. We discuss the new work and if she says it is done, I mostly listen. If the painting still engages me and I can’t improve it, I know it is finished.
    The older I get the freer I have become willing to try new directions, unafraid to paint over an old painting or just use my fingers or a screwdriver to make a mark. I try to have a dialog with the physical properties and letting natural moments happen without total control. Combining that with careful strokes of a brush, sometimes dipping my fingers and letting paint fly off the fingertips of my glove. I have cut large paintings in half after twenty years and given it a new life! There is a balance between order and chaos that is difficult to recognize. The chaos mixed with control is a contradiction I pursue.

  • Exhibitions

    Birds of Spring, solo exhibition, Catalyst Fine Art Gallery @ The Lodge at St Edward State Park.

  • Website

Showing all 29 artworks

Stephen Dale Edwards

Valentines 3
12.5 x 15.75 ″ Mixed media on ultra board $150.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Valentines 4
12.5 x 15.75 ″ Mixed media on ultra board $150.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Burned Trees
36 x 48 ″ Clear binder, ash and dry pigment $2,800.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Bare trees
48 x 60 ″ Aqueous polyurethane and pigment and oil on canvas $3,900.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Forest Ash
48 x 60 ″ Clear binder, ash and dry pigment $3,900.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Clamshell glass sculptural bowl
8 x 16 x 13 ″ Blown glass $2,900.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Valentines 2
12.5 x 15.75 ″ Mixed media on ultra board $150.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Valentine hearts 5
12.5 x 15.75 ″ Mixed media on ultra board $150.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Confluence 2
39 x 59 ″ oil, enamel and graphite $3,200.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Night Lily
45 x 60 ″ $3,900.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Strata series 1 of 9
11 x 14 ″ Framed: 12.5 x 15.75 ″ oil on panel $150.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Out the Window
30 x 24 ″ Oil and enamel on UltraBoard $2,200.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

35 x 14 x 20 ″ Fabricated patinaed steel $2,900.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Post NYC
28 x 36 ″ mixed media on canvas $2,300.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Hidden Spanyard
30 x 48 ″ Oil and enamel on UltraBoard $2,900.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

48 x 23 x 24 ″ steel $2,900.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Livestock Trader
40 x 60 ″ $3,800.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

36 x 48 ″ mixed media on canvas $2,900.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Hangin' out to Dry
60 x 19.5 ″ Oil and enamel on UltraBoard $2,900.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Water Spout
45 x 60 ″ Oil and enamel on UltraBoard $3,800.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Turbulence on the Water
45 x 60 ″ Oil and enamel on UltraBoard $3,800.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Feeling of Flight
45 x 60 ″ Oil and enamel on UltraBoard $3,800.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Fly Fishing
45 x 60 ″ Oil and enamel on UltraBoard $3,800.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

After the Storm
45 x 60 ″ Oil and enamel on UltraBoard $3,800.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

45 x 60 ″ Oil and enamel on UltraBoard $3,800.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Love Notes
28.5 x 18 ″ Waffle board on wood, mixed media with texture $1,800.00

Stephen Dale Edwards

Confluence 1
40 x 60 ″ oil, enamel and graphite $3,200.00