
An Evening with Robin Layton

An Evening with Robin Layton

November 18th at 7:30 pm Robin will be presenting live at Benaroya Hall. She is teaming up with Todd Boston, Billboard Top Ten Guitarist/Multi-Instrumentalist, and local violist Justin Hagood, who will be playing live in front of her videos of rain. Robin is a...

Welcome Jen Chambers to the gallery

Welcome Jen Chambers to the gallery

Jen brings her highly textural acrylic mixed medias and encaustics to the gallery. The depth and textures are a must see in person! Born and raised in the Northwest, Jen obtained her degree in interior design. In addition to expressing herself through design she...

Welcome Dave Clay

New work in the lower gallery - I call these paintings “industrial landscapes” which is just an easily identifiable label. What these paintings are is something more than a technical rendering of a scene. Some of these paintings are based on real places,...

Sabah Al Dhaher delivers Traces of Life

Sabah Al Dhaher delivers Traces of Life

Sabah Al Dhaher is our artists in residence for this fall. He spent several days in September on the plaza at The Lodge at St Edward Park carving a large, salvaged piece of wood into this beautiful sculpture. Once completed and mounted, he has brought the work into...

Welcome new artist Cheryl Brown

Welcome new artist Cheryl Brown

Cheryl Brown joins the gallery with her beautifully detailed collage artworks featuring local historic maps, nautical charts and found objects inspiring stories depicted by her cast of crow and owl characters. Come check out her artwork on exhibit in the 1st floor...

New Work by Brian Sholdt

Brian is back with new work inspired by his latest travels. Using acrylics allows me to paint quickly using my numerous scribingsqueegees and brushes. The squeegees are used to create my owncalligraphy within the work and push the paint in new directions. Theaddition...